
... construyendo nuevas cosmogonías culturales
a través del arte para poder activar una relación vital entre
el hombre y el universo que lo rodea, entre el yo subjetivo y su cosmogonía universal.

… building new cultural worldviews to activate through art a vital relationship between man and the universe around, between the subjective self and its universal cosmogony.

martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012

Pinturas Cristina Rochaix

In search of a place

   In search of a place

                                                  CRISTINA ROCHAIX


The interest for the aesthetic purpose   was the beginning of the course of the search from the plastic. The color, line, planes, spaces are created to be. They begin to have a role different as she transformed into volumes, shapes   and colors that change in temperature. All these plastic elements begin to play each other and occupy a place in the web.

After the concerns about the aesthetic and creative process, the issue begins to appear. The issue that invokes a particular, personal and subjective view then begins its history. Here comes the need to think about a subject that is Stonehenge, the megalithic construction   of the Neolithic period about 3000 BC until today do not know its  original function.   In her painting Stonehenge Forwarding green spaces refer to the tranquility and calmness of their fields, but in this case   these spaces   are delineated by red lines that protect a specific area. This perimeter is pregnant to the viewer’s eyes acts as a border and carefully chosen where man can shelter from the contingencies of the world.

That's how Cristina Rochaix starts thinking in architecture.

Now in Architectures significance of her works will have another resonance for the viewer.   If we begin to see her paintings we see that there is a need to manage space, measure it, confronting it with others where it is   building a network of lines. These form an area to be juxtaposed in the pictorial space. This space appears before the lintel and the pillar as a portal that represents the architecture of the origins of humanity. That is the structure of three holding the entrance to her own artistic quest that redefines the starting point of the creation process. 
This way of constructing  basic architecture that firmly held the first buildings here has pronounced instability given by lines crossing the input or lintels that rest on the pillars not realizing a function   not logic elements that disrupt the construction system and jeopardize the refuge of man. This is where our artist connects with our contemporaneity, showing the ambiguities, dissonances, obstacles and suggesting new possibilities to the viewer, roads   and cuts unveiled. The movement of the eye between the elementary forms through   the various directions focused on the movement and sensation. Thus involving the web space, realizing a world to learn and a place to look for to be.
Mrs. Maria Alejandra Sculli